Potrebbero infatti essere ancora in grado di cancellare la transazione. Se pensi di aver utilizzato un codice SWIFT sbagliato per inviare il tuo denaro, contatta subito la tua banca. Quando invii o ricevi denaro, controlla il codice SWIFT con il destinatario o la tua banca. At the same time, complexity will be reduced when it comes to the development and maintenance of payment systems. Conferma sempre gli estremi bancari con il destinatario. The harmonization program also enables simpler payment processes in the future with improved processing quality. The harmonization forms the basis for sustainable, competitive Swiss payment traffic in the future. This is not just SEPA-conforming, in terms of euro payments, but accommodates all domestic and foreign payment transactions.
The Swiss financial center is introducing beneficial standards, and also taking the opportunity to harmonize payments and to align with the Swiss ISO 20022 payments standard. It thus contributes to Swiss banks being able to set up products and services in a timely fashion and to do so on solid and market-driven platforms while facilitating the smooth operation of payments. La verifica dei codici a barre consiste nellassicurarsi che i barcode stampati sulle etichette dei prodotti siano sempre leggibili, in qualsiasi punto della catena di produzione e di distribuzione.

SIX Interbank Clearing is involved in several committees focused on questions of standardization concerning the national and international payment traffic. Overview Payment Standards in Switzerland.